
Diverse Workforce

Aventura HR is a division of Team Recruiter Global and certified member of the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) in the United States. We are also Certified Minority Supplier with the Canadian Aboriginal Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC)

Our focus on diversity goes beyond staffing a diverse workforce. It's a critical part of our ongoing mission: to enable clients and candidates throughout the world to realize their full potential. We recognize and understand the importance of diversity to job growth and to the overall economic health of the country.

On behalf of our customers we execute several diversity hiring programs with the aim of assisting them in creating opportunities for targeted candidates.


  1. Diversity Talent Planning and Sourcing

  2. Diversity Talent Screening

  3. Diversity Talent Assessment

  4. Diversity Talent Onboarding

  5. Diversity Talent Acquisition Process Evaluation

  6. Diversity Job Evaluation Services

  7. Diversity and Inclusion

  8. Project Management

  9. Process management

  10. HR Consulting


"Self-Identified” Database Program

For this program candidates registering in our database are given the opportunity to self-identify themselves for the purpose of participating in one of several diversity campaigns which we co-ordinate on behalf of our clients. we welcome you! and we strive for your inclusion!

Cultural Self-Identification

The long-term success of any business calls for a diverse body of talent that can bring fresh ideas, perspectives and views to their work. Diverse individuals are described as but, are not limited to, New Immigrants, Minorities groups, those with Disabilities, Aboriginal Canadians etc.

Several of our customers maintain a cultural diversity program and qualified applicants will have the option of registering for inclusion in these programs. we welcome you and we strive for your inclusion!

Disability Self-Identification

Persons with disabilities" mean persons who have a long-term or recurring physical, mental, sensory, medical, cognitive, psychiatric or learning impairment and who

(a) consider themselves to be disadvantaged in employment by reason of that impairment, or

(b) believe that an employer or potential employer is likely to

Individuals who consider them to be disadvantaged in employment by reason of that impairment, and includes persons whose functional limitations owing to their impairment having been accommodated in their current job or workplace – we welcome you! and we strive for your inclusion!